Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Predicting the future

Ten years from now, what would the media landscape look like? How would you consume media at that time?

Ten years from today, the media landscape may look like a variation of the media landscape today. Although I believe that social media is here to stay, I believe traditional mediums like television and print editorials will be in little use in the future. Television content may shift to online websites completely and print editorials like magazines and newspapers may be found only online. For both convenience and environmental reasons, I believe all existing media will be transferred online. In ten years, generation X will be in the workforce and implementing their native online mediums while baby boomers' traditional mediums will be faded out. Hosting content on online websites is more economical than printing considering the cost to design, buying space, printing thousands of copies for circulation, paying the vendors to host your print materials, etc. Also, technology will have advanced even more to be more compatible to host a variety of formerly traditional mediums online.  

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